Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Shadow Practice

These are the captures for practicing shooting shadows.

For this photo, I practiced with silhouettes.  I tied strings onto a skeleton and had my friend hold it like a puppet.  The photo was taken with back lighting behind a white fabric screen.  I lightened up parts of the photo and darkened the shadow a bit as well in Lightroom.

For this photo, I practiced distortion.  I lit my model from a 3/4 angle so the shadow would stretch diagonally.  I changed the levels a bit, upped the contrast, made it black and white, and added grain in Lightroom.

For this photo, I practiced with silhouettes. My friend make a deadman's knot and we tried it onto the skeleton. She then held it while I shot.  The photo was taken with back lighting behind a white fabric screen.  I lightened up parts of the photo and darkened the shadow a bit as well in Lightroom.

For this photo, I practiced projecting a pattern.  I used a piece of a laundry basket which was cut and then spray painted black.  I then backlit it so it would cast a shadow.  I edited it in Lightroom by changing the levels, making it monochrome, and changing the hues a bit.

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