Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Historic Homes

These photos are from my Historic Homes project.  I shot on an Oympus OM1 with Tmax100 film in Alameda, CA.
When I printed this photo, I didn't really need to do anything special to it in the darkroom.  The only thing I really needed to do was expose the paper for a little longer than usual.  I used fiber based paper

This photo was more difficult to print.  I had been having trouble opening up my roll to put the film on the reel, so my teacher and I took it out of the film change bag to look at it.  Unfortunately, I had a bit of a light leak, so I had to drastically burn the left side of the print because it was blown out.  It could've been burned more, but I feel that it is decent.  Printed on fiber based paper.

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