Friday, November 16, 2012

Perspective and Scale

These are the final images for my Perspective and Scale project.  I used my BJD (ball-jointed doll) Satoru as the subject.  My basic story for the project is  enjoying the splendor of nature and the calm and elegance of the early-evening sun.  Additionally, the photos convey another story of Satoru waiting for someone, and acquiring some sort of magical power from sun, allowing him to both heal others, as well as hurt.
All of my photos were edited in Lightroom to achieve a similar effect.  The final image, which is a merge of two different ones, was edited in Photoshop as well, causing the tonality to vary slightly from the other three images.  In Lightroom, I played with the saturation and luminance of the oranges, yellows, and greens, tweaked the levels a bit, played with the contrast and blacks, and lowered the clarity slightly.
With the final merged image, I took an image of when he fell on the ground, and cut him out of it, adding him to the image of him standing with his hands out.  I then airbrushed in an orb in his hands and changed the blending mode.

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