Monday, September 26, 2011

Fly Away-First Day of School Challenge + Cross Processing/Watermark Tutorials

Here's the best  photo from my First Day of School Challenge Shoot in Photo II.  I later used the same photo for a cross processing tutorial and watermarking tutorial in Lightroom.  Personally, I don't really like the way in which my photo turned out after cross processing it; the light is good though.  Also, I already watermark my images using Photoshop, and found that that technique is easier and more convenient than in Lightroom.  The technique gave it too much noise and took away from the crispness that it previously possessed.  However, I did try it out on a few other photos, and found that in general, I liked it.  In the end, both tutorials were beneficial to me, especially the cross processing.

Here's the original (sorry about the quality):

Here's the cross processing/watermark:

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